Northwest Angle Edge Riders

As a lot of us are aware, the snowmobile trails in the Northwest Angle area are among the best anywhere, from a grooming aspect, for being well marked as well as marked early in the season and for connecting to trails that take you anywhere you want to go – south to the Baudette Sno-Drifters’ trails and the Roseau Trailblazers’ trails as well as north to the Ontario and Manitoba trails.

Status: Partially Open
Condition: Fair

Trails marked from Youngs Bay to all local NWA Resorts

We were able to stake some trails from Youngs Bay to the local NWA resorts. See yellow line in picture on our website or Facebook page. Some resorts are opening this Friday and some resorts are opening December 26 but this trail network should help you navigate if you go outside what is currently staked work with the local resorts for guidance. We issue updates as our trail network progresses.

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Sat, Feb 10th, 2024 | Edge Riders

Rally Update for Feb 24

Moving Rally Location to Jerry's Restaurant