Northwest Angle Edge Riders

As a lot of us are aware, the snowmobile trails in the Northwest Angle area are among the best anywhere, from a grooming aspect, for being well marked as well as marked early in the season and for connecting to trails that take you anywhere you want to go – south to the Baudette Sno-Drifters’ trails and the Roseau Trailblazers’ trails as well as north to the Ontario and Manitoba trails.

Status: Partially Open
Condition: Fair

January 16 Trail Update

The good news is we have enough ice to run Big Red, our large Groomer and Drag.  We groomed from Warroad to the NWA, which has been a popular request, it's a long trip for our crew.  There was about a 3 mile section of trail near Stony Point that could not be groomed as a heave came up today about a mile off land.  The groomer operator cut the heave so allow for easier passing.  Locally we went from -15F to 26F and now Friday night we will be back into the -20F temps so ice expands and contracts during this period, totally normal.  Since more people are using this "NWA Express" trail, we will give a little guidance when approaching an ice heave.  1. Don't panic, some heaves are quite picturesque, take a picture, 2. If you're not the first person to cross you will see tracks where previous snowmobiles crossed a modified trail, most drive parallel to the heave to find a good place to cross.  We try to reroute trails when we see this condition, but we can't monitor the trail 24hrs/day.  3.  If you can not find a decent place to cross you can always turn around.  Message our FB page is you see any trail concerns during this temperature swing weather pattern we are experiencing.  Otherwise all the local trails are in good shape, we received about 4inches of snow over the last week, we still need more but you can ride without scratchers.   Have a nice weekend.  Here are 7 pictures including a red fox.  Also the Canada trails now linked with ours check out their website for their trail conditions.  

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Sat, Feb 10th, 2024 | Edge Riders

Rally Update for Feb 24

Moving Rally Location to Jerry's Restaurant