Northwest Angle Edge Riders

As a lot of us are aware, the snowmobile trails in the Northwest Angle area are among the best anywhere, from a grooming aspect, for being well marked as well as marked early in the season and for connecting to trails that take you anywhere you want to go – south to the Baudette Sno-Drifters’ trails and the Roseau Trailblazers’ trails as well as north to the Ontario and Manitoba trails.

Status: Partially Open
Condition: Fair

Feb 25 update

After two weeks of lows at -20°F and the last two days being slightly above freezing. The 50° temperature swing is causing ice expansion, all over the lake. It has affected our trails between Spring steel resort and Stony point. Some of the ice heaves require 100-yard detour. Until things settle down a bit. we are recommending daytime only travel, some heaves are 7 feet tall.

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Sat, Feb 10th, 2024 | Edge Riders

Rally Update for Feb 24

Moving Rally Location to Jerry's Restaurant